Saturday, March 20, 2010


This is actually a pretty great idea.

The concept basically is that you walk around and your Pokemon that is on the Pokewalker will level up, and then you will be able to also find items. You can 'battle' wild Pokemon you find, and really it is just a great way to encourage kids to get up and move around. It is essentially an interactive pedometer.

Of course you could always just shake the Pokewalker to get "Watts" or whatever it is that helps your Pokemon level up, but where is the fun in that? Then when you sync it back up to your game you get a little summary of what went on from last sync, but of course in Pokemon terms. "Pikachu is happy and running about." "Pikachu decided to take a nap."

I'm going to be straight with you, I want one of these. Sure it is gimmicky, but it registers my steps and could be fun as a very simplistic Pokemon game. I have played the original Pokemon games, and then Gold and Silver as well, so I don't really want to spend more cash on a game that I already have, I just want this special pedometer.

It probably sounds silly, but if it wasn't too costly, maybe $5-$10 I would pick one up. Now if you play the game or know much about it you would say "Hey wait a minute Alan, you need a game to sync your Pokewalker with!"

And how right you are! My brother has the game and I could just sync with his, get some random Pokemon and just have fun with it.

If anyone knows where to get one, would be glad to know.

1 comment:

  1. I used to have something like that when I was younger. It was like a Gigapet or Tomagochi but a pikachu pedometer. My brother and I just shook ours until we got bored or tired. Haha But we didn't have any fancy synching to the games going on. Haha
