Sunday, March 28, 2010

Optical Illusions

So I'm sure your friends have shown you things such as impossible objects, or "moving" still images, but I have an optical/sensory illusion that was so much more real.

I'm in Texas right now visiting my grandparents, and the ground is somewhat uneven, switching from up to down, left to right, with every step. However, it is done so smoothly that it actually creates a false sense of motion. You believe that the ground is moving, and at first I thought it could have been just some odd sensation from myself, but it turns out my brother was feeling the exact same thing!

Of course then, again due to my psych class I began analyzing the situation and decided things were happening because of the conditions mentioned above.

Anyways, flight down to here was pretty poor. We were in a very small plane, a 1x2 seating wise, the crew was harsh, however Texas itself is very nice. And as a friend says, here we are in the time-zone of "Texas Time" and it is always "High Noon."

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