Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Electric Security Blanket

After talking with a friend, yeah I have those, today it helped me realize just why I, and I am sure many others may dislike the general society but enjoy IRC or Social networking.

Basically, the computer is a place where you have total control. You get to choose who sees you, what people can post about you on your pages, and in my case, you know a bit more than lots of the common folk on there. Essentially, you are "king." This power is what draws me to the electric world.

Behind my desk if I don't like a person, I can ban them and never have to talk to them again. Or, if they end up annoying me with lots of status updates, simply 'Remove Friend'. They don't realize this for a while and you can just sit back and read about the people you actually care to listen to.

Not to mention, you are in a comfortable environment, and even if you are on the road you still have your flash drive, a few key apps, and the gateway to your kingdom.

"It is sometimes preferred when people are no more than an avatar and some text."

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