Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Internet in MY Real Life?

Everywhere I go now I end up making many connections to the web, or computing, or well really anything. For instance, when I see signs that say "Height 16'9" " I instantly think of the golden ratio, 16:9, and monitors and TVs and such.

Every time we come up from Myrtle Beach in the summer, we pass by Spartanburg. If you take a select part of that out, you get "sparta", which of course we all know of that YouTube video with the Techno Remix of the classic line "This Is Sparta!"

What is more amazing is simply how much of an impact of various seemingly meaningless things can have in our life. I'm sure you have seen something that reminded you of some various tech related doing, and you probably chuckled. In this book I am reading, Noah's Compass by Anne Tyler, which is really great by the way, I make several connections to memes. So far I have found two, and it is pretty amusing. I'm sure they aren't meant to be like that but either way it comes off making me like it even more.

Connections I think are just ways to categorize all of the information you take in, and then forces you to respond to the environment somehow. Amazing how we can do all of that up there, isn't it?

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